National Diabetes Prevention Program

A Wellness Program for People with Prediabetes

Get the information and support you need to reduce your risk for developing type 2 diabetes by 58%. With the National Diabetes Prevention Program, type 2 diabetes can be avoided or delayed through moderate weight loss and regular physical activity. Learn more about this CDC-led program on their website.

Can I participate?

To qualify for the program, you must be overweight and at high risk for developing diabetes, or overweight and have been diagnosed by a physician as someone with prediabetes.

Am I at risk?

Your doctor can tell if you are at risk. He/she can determine your risk through a blood test with one of the following results:

  • Fasting plasma glucose between 100-125 mg/dl
  • A1C between 5.7% and 6.4%
  • 2-hour Plasma Glucose between 140-199 mg/dl

In addition, a combination of risk factors such as family history, overweight, gestational diabetes, and elevated cholesterol may also put you at risk. Take a self-evaluation and assess your risk today.

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