Injury Prevention

Most injuries are not accidents – they can be prevented.

Most injuries, accidents and fatalities occur because the people involved are not aware of safe habits and routines. The goal of Hurley’s Injury Prevention and Safe Kids of Greater Flint programs is to reduce traumatic injuries in Genesee County and the surrounding area.

To take this life-saving information out into the community, Hurley’s Injury Prevention team members are constantly reaching out to people who live in Flint and beyond, teaching them what they can do to prevent injuries. Partnering with schools, police and fire departments, community groups, car dealerships, and countless local businesses, Hurley’s Injury Prevention Programs are making great strides at promoting safe habits and keeping our community healthy.


  • Car Seat Inspection
  • Distracted Driving
  • Drinking and Driving
  • Fire and Burn Safety & Prevention
  • First Aid
  • Stop The Bleed Classes
  • TBI and Fall Prevention
  • Home Alone / Cooking and Poison Safety
  • Water Safety and Drowning Prevention
  • Dog Bite Safety & Prevention
  • Bullying
  • Cyberbullying / Internet and Cyber Safety
  • Assault and Abuse Prevention
  • High Risk Behaviors / Making Better Choices
  • Sports Safety
  • Seasonal Safety

Contact Us for More Information

Coordinator, Injury Prevention & Safe Kids of Greater Flint
Hurley Medical Center
One Hurley Plaza
Flint, MI  48503
(810) 262-9462