Stop The Bleed

Are You Prepared to Stop the Bleed?

As the region’s only Level 1 Trauma Center, Hurley Medical Center is working with the national public service campaign “Stop the Bleed” to better prepare bystanders in the event of bleeding emergencies. According to the National Trauma Institute, more than 180,000 people die each year in the U.S. from traumatic injuries. These may be caused by a violent act; a car, boat or motorcycle accident; an industrial accident; or a natural disaster. A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes, which in many cases is before emergency responders can get there. Since bystanders are often the first on the scene, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide immediate bleeding control to victims can save lives. Goals of the Stop-the-Bleed Initiative:

  • Ensure that bystanders have skills and knowledge to provide immediate bleeding control to victims at the scene of an event.
  • Advocate for bleeding control supplies to be located in all public gathering locations next to Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).
  • Incorporate bleeding control education into our schools and workplaces.
  • Educate the public on what to do in an active shooter situation.

Hurley Injury Prevention team members offer free classes upon request for healthcare providers, schools, churches, local businesses and virtually any organization. No prior medical training is needed to engage in these classes, run by the certified medical professionals of Hurley’s Injury Prevention team. At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the strategy for controlling massive bleeding.
  • Demonstrate proper wound packing techniques
  • Have a basic understanding of hemostatic dressings or dressings that have compounds implanted to promote clotting and provide an alternative solution when traditional dressings aren’t enough.
  • Realize the urgency of using tourniquets for life-threatening extremity bleeding.
  • Apply an effective tourniquet to the arm and leg.

In a changing world where multiple casualty incidents are becoming more common, don’t feel helpless. Be a part of the solution. Request a Stop the Bleed class for your group or organization today.

Questions? Please contact Trauma Outreach at

Bleeding Control Resources

Active Shooter Resources