Hopeful Hearts

Hopeful Hearts is a safe and judgment free program that provides free classes and support for pregnant women and new mothers suffering from drug addiction.

The program allows early access to providers that will follow patients throughout their pregnancy and delivery. Hopeful Hearts classes provide the pregnant mother with information regarding her pre-and post-natal care, signs and symptoms of neonatal drug withdrawal, treatment, and management of NAS (Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome) and expected length of stay in the hospital. Breastfeeding and strategies to help calm and soothe the infant are also discussed. During the Hopeful Hearts class, education materials, food and personal gift items are provided.

Attend as Many Classes as you’d Like

We meet the second Wednesday of each month from 1pm – 3pm at Hurley Medical Center. You can join us in-person or virtually.

Sign-up Today

Hopeful Hearts Support Class Booklet – Free to download

Topics covered in each class

  • Prenatal Care
  • Benefits of Breastfeeding
  • Substance Abuse
  • Social Services Involvement
  • Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
  • Care of Infant with Withdrawl

Program providers available include

  • Lactation Consultant
  • Social Worker
  • MAT Counselors from Sacred Heart & Odessay House
  • NAS Nurse Navigator
  • NICU Nurse
  • Family Nurse Partnership
