Camp Easy Breathers

The YMCA and Hurley Wellness Services have partnered to bring a fun, interactive and educational camp experience to kids who have asthma and are between the ages of 8 and 14 years old. Camp Easy Breathers offers four adventure-filled days and three nights at Camp Copneconic, complete with swimming, canoeing, archery, climbing, hiking, arts and crafts and other fun activities in the great outdoors. The best part about Camp Copneconic is that while enjoying nature, kids also have the benefit of an on-site wellness center equipped with treatment and exam rooms, a pharmacy and other details to ensure quick medical care in the event that their asthma is triggered. If treatment is necessary, their camp adventure can continue safely afterwards. The camp normally costs over $300 per child, but Hurley Medical Center has special funding to provide financial assistance to help reduce costs–sometimes as low as $35 per child. Although camp is held in the summer, anywhere from the end of July to the beginning of August, registration begins as early as March. Please call 810.262.9591 or 810.262.2130, ext. 2, for more information.